Accuracy and DHT11

The DHT11 sensor is a basic temperature and humidity sensor, but its accuracy is relatively low compared to more advanced sensors like the DHT22 (AM2302) or SHT3x series.

📊 DHT11 Accuracy Specifications:

  • Temperature Accuracy: ±2°C
  • Humidity Accuracy: ±5% RH
  • Temperature Range: 0°C to 50°C
  • Humidity Range: 20% to 90% RH
  • Sampling Rate: 1 reading per second (1Hz)

🔍 Why is DHT11’s Accuracy Limited?

1️⃣ Lower Resolution – It provides integer values (no decimals) for temperature.
2️⃣ Limited Humidity Range – Doesn’t measure below 20% RH, making it unreliable in dry conditions.
3️⃣ Plastic Casing – Slows down response time and affects precision.

When is DHT11 Good Enough?

  • If you need basic environmental monitoring (e.g., room conditions).
  • If ±2°C accuracy is acceptable for your project.
  • If you’re okay with a low refresh rate (1Hz).

When to Use a Better Sensor?

  • If you need higher accuracy (DHT22: ±0.5°C, ±2% RH).
  • If you’re working with extreme temperatures (DHT22: -40°C to 80°C).
  • If you want faster updates (e.g., SHT31, BME280).

🚀 Alternatives with Better Accuracy:

SensorTemperature AccuracyHumidity AccuracyRange (°C)Range (RH)Sampling Rate
DHT11±2°C±5% RH0 to 50°C20-90% RH1 Hz
DHT22 (AM2302)±0.5°C±2% RH-40 to 80°C0-100% RH0.5 Hz
SHT31±0.3°C±2% RH-40 to 125°C0-100% RH10 Hz
BME280±1°C±3% RH-40 to 85°C0-100% RH1-100 Hz

DHT11 is okay for simple projects but not for precision applications. If you need better accuracy, go for DHT22, SHT31, or BME280. 🚀

More about DHT11

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