🤖🔥 Let’s start with a simple robotic arm or leg movement using servo motors and an ATtiny85.

🔹 Step 1: Components Needed

Microcontroller – ATtiny85
Servo Motor – SG90 (small) or MG996R (stronger)
Power Supply – 5V (for servos)
Potentiometer (optional) – For manual control
Jumper Wires & Breadboard

🔹 Step 2: Circuit Connection

ATtiny85 PinConnected To
VCC (Pin 8)5V
GND (Pin 4)GND
PB0 (Pin 5)Servo Signal (Yellow Wire)
PB1 (Pin 6)Potentiometer (Middle Pin, if used)

🔹 Step 3: Code for Basic Servo Control

If you’re using ATtiny85, use the Servo8Bit library (because ATtiny has limited PWM).

🔹 Code for ATtiny85 (Basic Servo Movement)

#include <Servo8Bit.h>

Servo8Bit myServo;  // Create servo object

void setup() {
    myServo.attach(0);  // Connects to PB0 (Pin 5 on ATtiny85)

void loop() {
    myServo.write(0);    // Move to 0° position
    delay(1000);         // Wait 1 sec
    myServo.write(90);   // Move to 90° position
    myServo.write(180);  // Move to 180° position

🔹 Step 4: Upload Code

📌 Use Arduino as ISP to burn the code

🔹 What’s Next?

✅ Once you get the servo moving, we can:

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