KY-023 Joystick Module: Complete Guide

The KY-023 Joystick Module is an analog joystick similar to those used in gaming controllers. It has two potentiometers (X & Y axes) and a push-button switch. This module is commonly used with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and other microcontrollers for motion control, robotics, and gaming applications.

πŸ”Ή 1. KY-023 Joystick Module Pinout

The KY-023 module has 5 pins:

VCCPowerConnects to 5V (or 3.3V)
GNDGroundCommon ground for the circuit
VRXX-AxisOutputs an analog signal (0-1023 on Arduino)
VRYY-AxisOutputs an analog signal (0-1023 on Arduino)
SWSwitchOutputs LOW (0V) when pressed, HIGH (5V) when released

πŸ“Œ Note:

  • VRX and VRY are analog outputs and should be connected to analog input pins (A0, A1, etc.) on an Arduino.
  • SW is a digital output and can be connected to any digital input pin.

πŸ”Ή 2. How the KY-023 Joystick Works

βœ… X & Y Axis (Analog Output)

  • Inside the joystick are two potentiometers, one for each axis.
  • Moving the joystick left/right or up/down changes the resistance, generating an analog voltage.
PositionVRX ValueVRY Value

βœ… Push Button (Digital Output)

  • Pressing the joystick closes the switch (SW pin).
  • It reads LOW (0V) when pressed and HIGH (5V) when released.

πŸ”Ή 3. Connecting KY-023 to Arduino

πŸ›  Required Components

  • 1x Arduino Board (Uno, Mega, Nano, etc.)
  • 1x KY-023 Joystick Module
  • Jumper Wires

πŸ›  Wiring Diagram

KY-023 PinArduino Pin

πŸ”Ή 4. Arduino Code to Read Joystick Values

This code reads X & Y axis values and detects button presses, displaying the data in the Serial Monitor.

#define VRX_PIN A0  // X-axis
#define VRY_PIN A1  // Y-axis
#define SW_PIN 2    // Switch button

void setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600);  // Start Serial Monitor
    pinMode(SW_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Enable internal pull-up resistor

void loop() {
    int xValue = analogRead(VRX_PIN);  // Read X-axis
    int yValue = analogRead(VRY_PIN);  // Read Y-axis
    int buttonState = digitalRead(SW_PIN); // Read button state

    Serial.print("X: "); Serial.print(xValue);
    Serial.print(" | Y: "); Serial.print(yValue);
    Serial.print(" | Button: "); Serial.println(buttonState == LOW ? "Pressed" : "Released");

    delay(100);  // Small delay to avoid spamming Serial Monitor

πŸ“Œ Explanation:

  • Reads VRX and VRY as analog values (0-1023).
  • Reads SW as a digital input (LOW when pressed).
  • Displays values in Serial Monitor.

πŸ”Ή 5. Using KY-023 for a Simple Game Controller

You can use the joystick to control a servo, LED, or even a robot.

Example: Move a Servo with Joystick

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myServo;
#define VRX_PIN A0  // X-axis for servo control

void setup() {
    myServo.attach(9);  // Servo on pin 9

void loop() {
    int xValue = analogRead(VRX_PIN); // Read joystick X-axis
    int servoAngle = map(xValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Convert to servo angle
    myServo.write(servoAngle); // Move servo

πŸ”Ή 6. Applications of KY-023 Joystick

βœ… Robotics – Control robots using hand gestures.
βœ… Game Controllers – DIY joystick for games.
βœ… Camera Pan/Tilt Control – Move servos for a camera gimbal.
βœ… Remote Control Vehicles – Control motors and direction.

πŸ”Ή 7. Troubleshooting Tips

  • If values jump randomly, check loose connections.
  • If the button doesn’t work, try using INPUT_PULLUP in pinMode(SW_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);.
  • If X or Y values are stuck, check if the joystick springs back to center.

🎯 Conclusion

The KY-023 joystick module is a versatile input device that works with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and other microcontrollers. It provides analog motion control and a built-in button, making it perfect for robotics, games, and interactive projects.

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